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    時間:2016-06-16  來源: 文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印










      2015.01-     ,中科院成都山地災(zāi)害與環(huán)境研究所,副研究員 













      國際冰川學(xué)協(xié)會(International Glaciological SocietyIGS) 成員、歐洲地理學(xué)會(EGU)和美國地球物理學(xué)會(AGU)會員;《Journal of Mountain Science》科學(xué)編輯、國際刊物《Journal of Glaciology》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research》、《Frontiers in Earth Science》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》等SCI雜志審稿人。 



      1.   Liu Qiao*, Liu Shiyin. 2016. Response of glacier mass balance to climate change in the Tianshan Mountains during the second half of the twentieth century. Climate Dynamics. 46(1-2): 301-316. doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2585-2. 

      2.   Liu Qiao*, Guo Wanqing, Nie Yong, Liu Shiyin, Xu Junli. 2016. Recent glacier and glacial lake changes and their interactions in the Bugyai Kangri, Southeast Tibet. Annals of Glaciology. 57(71): 61-69. doi: 10.3189/2015AoG71A415 

      3.   Zhang Yong*, Hirabayashi Yukiko, Fujita Koji, Liu Shiyin, Liu Qiao. 2016. Heterogeneity in supraglacial debris thickness and its role in glacier mass changes of the Mount Gongga. Science China-Earth Sciences. 58(1): 170-184. doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5118-2. 

      4.   Liu Qiao*, Liu Shiyin, Guo Wanqin, Nie Yong, Shangguan Donghui, Xu Junli, Yao Xiaojun. 2015. Glacier changes in the upper reaches of Lancang River Basin, China, between 1960-1970s and 2005-2010. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 47(2): 335-344. doi: 10.1657/AAAR0013-104. 

      5.   Liu Qiao*, Christoph Mayer, Liu Shiyin. 2015. Distribution and interannual variability of supraglacial lakes on debris-covered glaciers in the Khan Tengri-Tumor Mountains, Central Asia. Environmental Research Letters. 10(1): 014014. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/1/014014. 

      6.   Zhang Yong*, Yukiko HIRABAYASHI, Liu Qiao, Liu Shiyin. 2015. Glacier runoff and its impact in a highly glacierized catchment in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: past and future trends. Journal of Glaciology. 61(228):713-730. doi: 10.3189/2015JoG14J188.s 

      7.   Yan Yang*, Wang Genxu, Haihua Shen, Yang Yang, Haijun Cun, Qiao Liu. 2014. Dynamics of carbon and nitrogen accumulation and C:N stoichiometry in a deciduous broadleaf forest of deglaciated terrain in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Forest Ecology and Management. 312: 10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.10.028. 

      8.   Nie Yong, Liu Qiao*, Liu Shiyin. 2013. Glacial Lake Expansion in the Central Himalayas by Landsat Images, 19902010. PLoS ONE. 12/2013 8(12):e83973. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083973. 

      9.   Wang Xin*, Liu Shiyin, Han Haidong, Wang Jian, Liu Qiao. 2012. Thermal regime of a supraglacial lake on the debris-covered Koxkar Glacier, southwest Tianshan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1490-1. 

      10. Liu Qiao*, Liu Shiyin, Zhang Yong, Wang Xin, Zhang Yingsong, Guo Wanqin and Xu Junli. 2010. Recent shrinkage and hydrological response of Hailuogou Glacier, a monsoonal temperate glacier in east slop of Mount Gongga, China. Journal of Glaciology, 56(196): 215-224. doi: 10.3189/002214310791968520. 

      11. Liu Qiao*, Liu Shiyin. 2010. Seasonal evolution of the englacial and subglacial drainage systems of a temperate glacier revealed by hydrological analysis. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 2(1): 51-58. 

      12. 劉巧, 劉時銀. 2012. 冰內(nèi)及冰下水系演化的示蹤試驗及其應(yīng)用研究. 冰川凍土, 34(5): 1206-1219. 

      13. 劉巧, 劉時銀. 2012. 冰川冰內(nèi)及冰下水系研究綜述. 地球科學(xué)進展, 27(6): 660-669. 

      14. 劉巧, 劉時銀,張勇,張盈松. 2011. 貢嘎山海螺溝冰川消融區(qū)表面消融特征及其近期變化分析. 冰川凍土, 33(2): 227-236. 

      15. 劉巧, 劉時銀. 2009. 溫冰川冰內(nèi)及冰下水系季節(jié)演化及其水文學(xué)分析 . 冰川凍土, 31(5): 857-865. 




      電話: 13547887225 

      Email: liuqiao@imde.ac.cn 


    版權(quán)所有:中國科學(xué)院、水利部成都山地災(zāi)害與環(huán)境研究所 蜀ICP備05003828號川公網(wǎng)安備 51010702001669號
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